We're the trailblazers flipping the script on traditional finance,
offering a fresh line up of car and personal loans that cater to all.

Custom Solutions

Undisputed Finance Champs

All Eyes On You

Here at DD, we cut through the corporate speak that clutters typical finance processes.

No bulls**t application process

The Dream Dealer  drop kick’s stress to the curb and turbocharge’s the loan process. 

Fast Interactive Online Application

Apply for your personal loan entirely online with our user-friendly and secure digital application process.

No Impact On Your Credit Score

Apply with confidence - your credit score will not be affected.

Quick Decision and Funding

Lightning-fast approval in just 48 hours. Our streamlined process eliminates the need for excessive paperwork and long wait times.

About DD

Welcome to Dream Dealer, where finance meets content and creativity. We’re here to make reaching your dreams exciting, leaving the dinosaurs of the industry wondering where the heck we came from.

But here’s the kicker—it’s not just about loans for us. It’s about crafting relationships as lasting as our love for a good comeback story. It’s about embodying a brand that symbolises never giving up, living in the moment, and seizing opportunities without waiting for the stars to align. We’re built on a foundation of empowerment, straight talk, and a relentless drive for innovation. These aren’t just buzzwords; they’re the pillars we vibe with every day to fuel your journey and ours.

Agile, sharp, and always evolving, Dream Dealer stays ahead of the game, ensuring you access the most innovative financial solutions. Our dedication to exceptional service and a trailblazing attitude distinguishes us in the finance race, guaranteeing a seamless and hassle-free experience for you.

Headed by Founder Jesse Hunter, Dream Dealer is a brand transformed and invigorated under his leadership. Jesse’s relentless spirit and meteoric rise as one of the country’s most dynamic finance brokers are at the core of our ethos.

His journey from running Luna Finance to steering it in Dream Dealer showcases his ability to adapt and innovate in a rapidly changing landscape. The Dream Dealer concept, marrying finance with cutting-edge content creation under a bold new creative direction. Supported by a team dedicated to outstanding customer service and backed by technology that prioritises speed and innovation, Dream Dealer is poised to become the leading name in Australia’s personal and car finance sectors.